Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A day I'll never forget

An interesting thing happened to me when I was a teenager. To get right to the point - I unwillingly got a second hole in my butt. I know that piercings are a popular trend, but I have never pierced anything on purpose. I was at my Grandmothers house where my uncle also lived. Him and I were going to a show in Oakland later that evening and Grandma was gone for the day so we were just goofing around. I was in the spare room pretending like I could play my uncles drums but really just making a bunch of noise. The stool I was sitting on was not of the highest quality and was very wobbly. While banging away I slipped off the stool and landed on my rear end. I instantly had the worst charlie horse I have ever felt in my life. I got up and was rubbing that spot on my bum when I felt a hole in my brand new white Levis. Confused, I looked down to see the ring that belongs on the front of the kick drum. If you are familiar with drum kits then you will know that this ring has two large metal spikes that have a purpose of digging in to the stage so the drum doesn't move with every kick. When I saw a spike sticking up where I fell, and realized what happened - I wasn't very excited. Starting to panic, I ran into Grandmas bathroom to assess the damage. I pulled down my white pants with a hole in them to look at the moon in the mirror. There was a large hole in my left butt cheek that I could see in to (those drum spikes were about as big around as my pinky). With a sharp, clean piercing there wasn't a blood rush yet. Quickly getting light-headed, I had to figure out what to do. No way was I going to the doctor to show him my butt. I started rummaging through the drawers and cabinets in Grandmas bathroom and I hit the jackpot - a tube of Neosporin. I quickly unscrewed the cap and squirted the whole tube in, filling up my unwanted hole. I stuck five or six band-aids over it and wanted to pretend like nothing happened. By now though, my uncle was wondering what all the ruckus was. I came out and tried to explain but as I was walking I started slowly losing consciousness and passed out on the couch. When I awoke my uncle said we could skip the show but I didn't want to. The two hour drive to Oakland wasn't too enjoyable beacuse I had to sit on my right butt cheek the whole time. In fact, that's how I sat for the next two weeks. I now have a battle scar and an interesting story but luckily I survived.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever heard of the hospital? It's a place you go when you get hurt!

9:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

white levi's? Very choice, man.

8:35 PM  

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