Monday, September 10, 2007

Philadelphia Update (The Domus)

Howdy all. It's been a good weekend here in Philadelphia. I took a few pictures of the city and the Domus and thought I'd share. Let's get started shall we? Remeber folks, you can click the picture for a larger view!

This is a picture of an old church. In the background is the Sheraton in Center City we stayed in for a few days. We got to know the downtown area pretty well on our daily "Ohmygosh, we don't have a place to live" walks.
These are some pictures of downtown. Laura took these, and they turned out pretty nice.

We are finaly feeling settled here in Philly. It's a bit odd still to look around our apartment and see all our stuff set up in it. I've just become so used to seeing everything in our house in Elk Grove. I'm sure I'll get used to it soon.

Let's move onto our apartment complex The Ever so Fancy Domus. Let me start off by saying, this is the most beautiful place I have ever lived. When we walk down the street toward the building you can see a pretty spectacular view of the city skyline. These pictures don't do it justice.
The first thing you notice when walking out side is that you can see the air. It is so humid here, which I hear is good for my skin. When people say that it leads me to believe that sweat is supposed to be good for my skin. Let's just say my armpits have never been so soft! When you're outside, the wet air clings to you like some kind of clinging airy wet sky thing.

Inside the Domus you'll notice isn't humid at all. This is because they crank the air conditioner to sub zero tempatures. This is because all the rich people who live here feel insulted when they have to sweat their own sweat. (There is a giant imported french water machine in the gym that sprays the elite people as they work out so they don't have to actually sweat that salty stinky stuff.)
This is a picture of the loby. Every time I've been down there Bill Clinton has been on the TV. I'm thinking that it's stuck on the Bill Clinton channel.
There is a beatiful common room when you walk past the security desk.
They have four TV's hooked up and running at once. I don't quite undertand the purpose behind this. Most of the time at least two, but mostly three of the TV's are all playing the same show. The only thing I can think of is that the Rich can't stand to watch a TV that may be being watched by someone else. With options for which one to watch it's a way for them to feel better. They only have a 33% chance that someone else is watching the same TV they are. At least that's the best I can figure. That or it's for ADD people who can't decide which direction they want to be looking.
There is a refriderator in the common room that Laura refers to as the "Magic Fridge". At certain times of the day it is filled with bottled water and sodas. I must not have said the magic words right for this picture because the fridge was empty. The interesting thing for me is to find out that the super rich actualy drink the same type of commoner soda as I do. I just assumed they had some sort of solid gold Coke bottles.

This is a picture of the "Card Room". I don't know what kind of "Cards" are played in here but I assume it's the kind you always see in the old James Bond movies. There are several other rooms like this but they are conference rooms. There are always some fancy people in there with nice laptops working on making millions of dollars.
This is the pool table. I was a bit surprised to find that it didn't have the green felt look like in the movies. I think that it's made from imported camel fur. Side Note - that guy on the stool is always there. I think he must be Domus version of Norm from Cheers.

This is a picture of the frame in the elevator making note of the "Social" events. I had to take a picture of this because I didn't realy believe it myself. For instance, it looks like I missed the Massage Party yesterday.

This post has gone on too long and I am tired of typing. I will post again soon with pictures of the interior of our apartment when I decide to clean it up a bit. Till next time.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice pictures, old boy.

6:40 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, I want a Magic Fridge.....

12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, too, wish that my fridge were magic. The places around town look fabulous. What a great place for a US history exploration! Sorry - that's my inner geek coming out. I for one am glad that you are living at the domus. Better than living outside of it on the sidewalk. I hate it when I get yelled at for being one of the "elite" who has two matching shoes and a place to sleep with a real roof. But I am glad to know that you are also one of the elite. It makes me worry less.

3:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your refrigerator may be magic, but does it dispense free Go Girls?


10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doggy Happy Hour? Is Sasha attending these events, where she can sniff butts with the canine elite? Tell her to be careful, "Sniffles and friends" mix up some mean drinks. :)

4:37 PM  

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